Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 22 of Partial Reboot

Monday, July 2nd, marked Day 22 of our Partial Reboot experience! We're still calling it that for now, because we aren't necessarily following all the Reboot with Food rules, but we are following a set of our own adapted rules that we can improve upon once we're ready to.

These rules are as follows:
1. Swap 2 meals plus one snack with a Juice or Smoothie, totaling 3 per day.
2. All other foods must stick to a plant-based diet; no meat, no dairy, no processed junk.
3. Snacks must be as close to nature as we can manage: veggies, fruits, nuts, hummus (no tahini if we can find it), guacamole, flax wraps, popcorn (kettle is as naughty as we'll go), and Bee likes to eat dates with breakfast.
4. We allow cheats about once per week. So if someone makes dinner for us with cheese or meat, we aren't going to insult anybody. We just eat it, enjoy it, and move on with life!

Breakfast & Lunch: the following concoction was so BITTER we were both gagging as we choked down the Juice. However, we had the leftovers for lunch and it wasn't nearly as bitter. We really can't figure out why...perhaps the white part of the watermelon?

Snack: flax wraps with yellow cherry tomatoes

Dinner: veggie fajitas, with chips... and only a little cheese, and no sour cream. We plan on skipping the dairy from now on!

And the highlight of our day...
Dude, we're nearly vegan, we aren't eating these guys!
We really love watching our lazy squirrels hang out on the deck! :D

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