Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 12 of Partial Reboot

Today is "Day 12" of our Partial Reboot juicing experience! We're doing our best (key word is BEST here) to swap 2 major meals a day with Juice fresh from our Omega Vert juicer. We're now allowing only a vegetarian, or "clean" meal for our other major meal, staying away from too many fats or calories. (Though we are still eating up the remnants of whatever is in the house already, like dairy products, etc. Just not buying any more junk.) And we've been allowing small, healthy snacks throughout the day, just as we would enjoy any other day! Our point is to ease into the program, so we're taking our time and working our way into it.

Breakfast began with a glass of Orange Shmorange each, 

and Bee had a little fun juicing a bunch of organic carrots from the Farmer's Market versus the organic carrots bought at BJ's.

The Farmer's Market carrots are on the right, and they were lighter in color, less sweet, but more carroty. The BJ's carrots on the left were darker in color, sweeter, and more fuller bodied.

Also, Bee was reminded to thoroughly check everything before juicing...

We had a vegetarian lunch only slightly garnished with cheese here and there. But hey, we were only celebrating our FOURTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, so we cheated. And we ate bread with oil, too! :)

Today was the arrival of the addition to our little family of fun food fandanglers...our new Blendtec Blender! Now we can blend our berries to make non-dairy smoothies and keep all those yummy nutrients and colorful skins in!

The Happy Family
Naturally, Owl was dying to make something with the blender so he whipped up a batch of Gazpacho, a cold tomato-based soup. It was tasty, but we added some chopped cilantro and lime to the mixture, too!

And when we got home from work, Bee made a berry delicious smoothie! YUM!

didn't end up using the rhubarb....

Berry Bountiful Smoothie
Yields 1 Qt. plus 1 cup
2 cups Strawberries
2 cups Blueberries
2 cups Black Grapes
2 cups Spinach

What a great way to end the day! SO tasty, and filling too! But the blender on the High setting can be rather scary...

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