Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 11 of Partial Reboot

Thursday was "Day 11" of our Partial Reboot juicing experience! We're doing our best (key word is BEST here) to swap 2 major meals a day with Juice fresh from our Omega Vert juicer. We're now allowing only a vegetarian, or "clean" meal for our other major meal, staying away from too many fats or calories. (Though we are still eating up the remnants of whatever is in the house already, like dairy products, etc.) And we've been allowing small, healthy snacks throughout the day, just as we would enjoy any other day! Our point is to ease into the program, so we're taking our time and working our way into it.

Breakfast was our new favorite, Orange Shmorange, the same we had yesterday... then we stopped at the Farmer's Market and came home with our spoils:

We learned what garlic really looks life in plant form!

The Spoils

Lunch was a vegetarian mexican leftovers... and then we had this for dinner...

ehhh, is this going to be enough?

hmmm, needs GRAPES!

a planty pinup!

Sweet Greens

Yields 1 Qt.
4 White Nectarines
2 cups Spinach
4 leaves Kale
1 Golden Beet
8 Carrots
2 cups Black Grapes

We do recall that this one was green tasting, but in a nice, subtle way. It looks super UGH in the green-taste department, but it was actually very sweet and tasty!

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