Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 7 of Partial Reboot

Yesterday was "Day 7" of our Partial Reboot juicing experience! We're doing our best (key word is BEST here) to swap 2 major meals a day with Juice fresh from our Omega Vert juicer. We're now allowing only a vegetarian, or "clean" meal for our other major meal, staying away from too many fats or calories. (Though we are still eating up the remnants of whatever is in the house already, like dairy products, etc.) And we've been allowing small, healthy snacks throughout the day, just as we would enjoy any other day! Our point is to ease into the program, so we're taking our time and working our way into it.

We learned a good lesson, yesterday!

We started off our day with cereal and milk for breakfast, and Juiced for lunch...

An adaptation to yesterday's Summer Green Juice,
using Red Delicious Apples instead of pears.

...however, we both worked a double shift at the restaurant and we realized, by the time it was super busy and we were running around, we were both STARVING and completely drained of energy! So from now on, when we work from 11:00 am until 11:00 pm, we will Juice for breakfast, have a nice veggie lunch, then juice in the late afternoon prior to busy time at work. Otherwise, we both will be eating stuff we shouldn't because we felt so crappy.

We had our frozen banana sorbet for a snack, a veggie stir fry and some Unmentionables, (due to our crash) and for an after dinner snack tried this:

hahaaa! Bee's spelling is WAY off!
Yields Almost 2 Qts.
1 big ol' bunch of Swiss Chard

This recipe was fun because the Swiss Chard is really colorful and neat to look at when it is chopped up. The drink does have a bit of a green taste to it, which gives Bee the shivers, but we're trying our best to get used to that taste.

Another thing we have noticed is that after enjoying all these naturally sweet and flavorful ingredients, things in the popular food world taste too salty and too sweet, to the point that they are not as enjoyable. Our taste buds seem to be working a lot better! :)

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