Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 8 of Partial Reboot

Yesterday (Monday) was "Day 8" of our Partial Reboot juicing experience! We're doing our best (key word is BEST here) to swap 2 major meals a day with Juice fresh from our Omega Vert juicer. We're now allowing only a vegetarian, or "clean" meal for our other major meal, staying away from too many fats or calories. (Though we are still eating up the remnants of whatever is in the house already, like dairy products, etc.) And we've been allowing small, healthy snacks throughout the day, just as we would enjoy any other day! Our point is to ease into the program, so we're taking our time and working our way into it.

We started our day with some cereal, and for lunch we had yesterday's Cantaloupe Juice leftovers, with some celery and peanut butter, and hummus and tomato on lavash wraps.

You might realize, as we are realizing, that we often eat four meals a day, with two snacks. Breakfast, Lunch, snack, Dinner, Late Night Meal, dessert snack. They generally aren't large meals, but every once in a while we will have a big one here and there. So we just need to learn to eat less during each meal, because we are certainly eating often enough!

We went out for dinner and had Veggie Fajitas and some tortilla chips. Not the best choice, but we are cutting back, and these are by far the healthiest fajitas you'll ever have! Eating traditional food makes us really full, so we didn't have another juice for the rest of the day. We did end with some fresh blackberries and honey, though!

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